Paying your taxes will soon become even more convenient as the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), the government’s lead tax collection agency, works with PayMaya to offer digital payment touchpoints that will be made available to all Filipinos nationwide.
As a start, PayMaya account holders will soon be able to remit their tax payments to BIR through the Pay Bills feature of the PayMaya app. PayMaya is also working with BIR to extend digital tax payments to other channels, such as through its online portal and its revenue district offices nationwide.
Having tax payments available to PayMaya users makes it even more convenient for tax payers to fulfill their civic duties, because they can do this anytime, anywhere using only their mobile phones.
“Having more digital payment options is part of the government’s efforts to drive ease of doing business in the country and help make tax payments more convenient for Filipinos. With our partnership with PayMaya, even those who are not within reach of a bank branch can make their tax payments on time, wherever they may be,” said BIR Commissioner Caesar Dulay.
“With agencies like the BIR opening digital payment channels for their constituents, the quality and efficiency of government services are vastly improved, which will help drive our competitiveness as a country. We at PayMaya are proud to be partners with the government in not just improving service delivery, but also ensuring the transparency of services with the help of digital technology,” added PayMaya Founder and CEO Orlando B. Vea.
The partnership between BIR and the PayMaya is in support of the government’s escalated efforts to digitize many of its services in order to improve efficiencies, reach their revenue collection goals, and deliver better public services to Filipinos nationwide.
Aside from this, enabling tax payments via digital payment channels will also help in contributing to the goal of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) to increase digital transactions to 20% by 2020 under the National Retail Payment System.
The partnership is supported by the E-PESO project of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), which works with the government and private sector to achieve a 20-fold increase in e-Payment usage for a more inclusive access to financial products.
PayMaya, the digital financial services arm of Voyager Innovations, is the only FinTech company in the Philippines offering integrated consumer and merchant payment solutions with the widest on-ground branch network. It is the first to give millions of Filipinos an e-wallet that allows them to pay cashless transactions at any time of the day, anywhere in the world, and from any device.
To know more about the products and services of PayMaya, visit
Karina is not your ordinary supermom. She juggles her time bonding with her three amazing kids while being in the loop on the latest happenings in the tech and lifestyle scene. Follow me on Instagram (@digitalfilipina) regularly visit for daily dose of updates not just for moms but for everyone!